To find out more about the decision to make its popular, easy-to-use engine available for free, we spoke to Buildbox co-founder Trey Smith about the new features added to Buildbox, and why now is the time for a free edition of the software. : How did Buildbox get started as a company? Trey Smith: Back in 2012, I was making mobile games with a developer named Nik Rudenko. I was not a programmer, and would come up with ideas that he would build. After we made a few games, I wanted to try and create my own. Games can be built in software like Buildbox in weeks instead of months or even years. I downloaded the no-code software that was available at the time, and found it still required some understanding of programming or scripting.

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What is the "no-code" movement, and why do you think it's important to the games industry? We started playing around with ideas on how to build games more like Powerpoint, and by 2014 came up with the first prototype of Buildbox. No-code is building games without knowledge of coding or scripting. Right now, there are only about 18.5 million people who are developers in the world.

That means roughly 0.2% of the population can actually create a game if they desire. The no-code movement opens up the door for the rest of the 99.8% who want to create.