Interactions between grapefruit juice and cardiovascular drugs.Relationship between time after intake of grapefruit juice and the effect on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of nisoldipine in healthy subjects.Time course of recovery of cytochrome p450 3A function after single doses of grapefruit juice.The FDA-approved prescribing information for Lipitor does warn about a grapefruit juice interaction, but only when consuming very large amounts (1.2 liters of juice!): References Nevertheless, other studies theorize that only large amounts of grapefruit consumption would cause a clinically significant interaction, and this may be the case with Lipitor specifically. In terms of the actual juice, some studies have shown that less than one cup (~240 mL) of 100% grapefruit juice can cause an interaction. 3 In 1941, a mascot named 'Lil' Squirt' was created for marketing the product.

History Squirt was created by Herb Bishop in 1938. 1 2 Squirt competed primarily against The Coca-Cola Company 's Fresca. Several sources report eating as little as one grapefruit can cause issues. Squirt is a caffeine -free, grapefruit -flavored, carbonated soft drink, created in 1938 in Phoenix, Arizona.

However, how much grapefruit juice one needs to consume to produce a clinically significant drug interaction isn't entirely known. It has been fairly well documented that grapefruit juice can interact with several drugs, including Lipitor ( atorvastatin), a 'statin' medication used to lower cholesterol. Studies offer conflicting data on just how much grapefruit it takes to produce a clinically significant interaction.